Participate and/or Vote Your Favorite!
Click here to PARTICIPATE! Click here to VOTE!2015 was Stu-Art Supplies’ 50th Anniversary and we want to celebrate it with you.
We want to enjoy your art, painting or photographing, and share it with everybody. For that reason, and in appreciation for this 50 years of support and friendship, we will give a ############################PUT PRIZE HERE############################# to whom receives more Likes from the public. Everybody can vote! 1 Like = 1 Vote!
Whoever gets more Likes, wins!
To participate is easy:
• It’s FREE!!
• Send us your image, whatever you like. A painting or a photo!
• It MUST BE YOURS, meaning that you must be the author of the painting/photo included in the image that you submitted.
• Send your image using our contact form: click here.
• Your image will be reviewed and published in this page.
• You will be the winner if your image gets more “Likes” than any other image.
To vote is even easier:
• “Like” any image that you like.
• To “Like”, just click on any image that you like (listed bellow) and click the “Like button.”
• Like, Like, Like! Did we say “Like”?
• You can “Like” as many images as you want, but you can’t “Like” the same image twice.
• Help your favorite author/image to get as much “Likes” as possible!
You can participate and vote until 01/31/2016 at 11:59 PM (EST).
The name of the winner will be published in our Facebook page (click here to visit it) on 01/20/2015.
Good Luck!!
Click here to PARTICIPATE! Click here to VOTE!Contest Gallery