Dave Osborne – Bayside Graphics Inc
Today’s WOW!, photograph “Break In The Storm” by Dave Osborne, is a clear example of the importance in photography of place, moment and “eye.” As Dave told us:
This photo is not a coincidence or the fruits of an accident. Behind this photo is the experience of a man who at age 16 went to a community college to study cinematography and photography. “I was considering a career in film making,” Dave told us.
In 1969, Dave Osborne had the opportunity to take post graduate classes at the famous Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity (formerly known as “The Banff Centre”) in Banff, Alberta, Canada. There, Dave started to experiment in both landscapes and portraits. “Beautiful ballerinas attending classes and the nature and beauty of the mountains – I mean, how could you go wrong!!”
“The love for photography in the early 70’s was out-shadowed by my up and coming musical career,” Dave continued. “This path lasted for over 20 years on and off, and photography took a huge backseat in my life. Throughout time, I retained all my old Pentax MX hardware, lenses, filters and accessories – carting them from one home to another, almost selling on a couple of occasions but never did.”
“At the tender age of 65 I have once again fallen in love with the world of photography,” Dave told us from his Bayside Graphics Inc studio.
“I feel like I am starting over, but I don’t care, I dusted off my old lenses, updated to the new K5 and started building my new collection of accessories and lenses.”
His passion for the media just seems to keep growing and growing. “I am having a growing fascination with light painting and macro work, but continue to shoot landscapes for now. The digital age has definitely been a blessing for me and my self-taught computer/software expertise throughout the last 20 years. It has made this all the better.”
You can witness how much Dave Osborne embraces our current digital age by just taking a look at his website where he decided to include an amazingly addictive jigsaw puzzle that allows you to play with Dave’s own photo gallery. Click here to play with Dave Osborne’s puzzles.
Discover more about Dave Osborne in his own website www.baysidegraphics.com.
Dave uses mats from Stu-Art Supplies.
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